There are nine Korean Scientists and Engineers Associations in Europe which are in the UK (KOSEAUK), France (ASCoF), Austria (KOSEAA), Gerany (VeKNI), Finland (KOSES), Scandinavia (KSSEA), the Netherland (KOSEANL), Switzerland (KSEAS) and Belgium (KOSEAbe). They are a non-profit professional organization, contributing scientific and technological cooperation between Korea and Europe and also building a career network among Korean scientists and engineers.

Also, there is Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology with various themes every year and it brings together Korean scientists and engineers working in Europe and in Korea and European scientists and engineers interested in collaborating with Korean nationals. So far, there are nine conferences held by different European countries.

Associations in Europe


Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in the UK

The Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in the UK (KSEAUK) is a non-profit professional organization established since 1974. Its objectives are to: Promote the application of science and technology for the general welfare of society Foster international cooperation especially between the UK and Korea help Korean Scientists and Engineers developing their full career potential.



Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France

ASCoF (Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France, an association according to the French civil law of 1901 defining nonprofit organizations) founded at Paris in 1976 is a nonprofit organization established 1) to promote scientific and technological cooperations between Korea and France and 2) to make friendships among ASCoF members while exchanging knowledges and opinions in the field of sciences and engineering.



Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Austria




Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Germany




Korean-Scandinavian Scientists and Engineers Association

KSSEA is a 4 year old non-profit professional organization officially registered in Stockholm, Sweden. It is open for individuals residing in the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), who are engaged in science, engineering or a related field. KSSEA has grown to over 130 registered members with 6 local chapters (Stockholm/Uppsala, Gothenburg, Malmö-Lund in Sweden, Copenhagen in Denmark and Oslo and Trondheim, Norway) and 6 technical groups (BT, NT, ICT, MT, Energy/Environments and Marine/Offshore Technology) covering all major branches of science and engineering.



Korean Scientists & Engineers Association in Belgium

Korean Scientists & Engineers Association in Belgium is established in 2015 as a non-profit professional organization which promotes binational cooperation between Korea and Belgium and builds a career network for Korean and Belgium Scientists.



Korean Scientists and EngineerS in Finland

핀란드한인과학기술협회는, 한인과학기술인의 정보 교류와 학술 활동을 통하여 핀란드의 한인 과학기술인 사회의 발전을 도모함을 목적으로 설립된 핀란드 내에 거주하고 있는 과학기술관련 한인 전문가 단체입니다. 본 단체는 한국 과학기술인으로서의 자긍심을 고취 시키고, 모국 및 타 과학기술인 단체와의 교류 및 협력을 통해, 보다 창의적이고 효율적인 과학기술 진흥과 연구가 이루질 수 있도록 가교 역할도 병행하고 있습니다.



Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in the Netherlands

KSEANL은 네덜란드에 거주하는 한인 과학/기술자들의 모임으로써 회원간의 학문 증진 및 상호 유대를 강화하고 대한민국과 네덜란드의 과학기술 분야의 교류 촉진을 목적으로 2012년 2월에 창립된 비영리 단체입니다.



Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Switzerland

KSEAS is established as a non-profit professional organization which promotes binational cooperation between Korea and Switzerland and builds a career network for Korean and Swiss Scientists. KSEAS aims to (1) create a network of korean scientists and enginners, who work in Switzerland, (2) foster binational cooperation between Switzerland and Korea and (3) help korean scientists and engineers in Switzerland develop career in Switzerand


EKC (Europe Korea Conference)

Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC) is to bring together Korean scientists and engineers working in Europe and in Korea and European scientists and engineers interested in collaborating with Korean nationals. Particular emphasis is given to develop friendship and to exchange useful knowledge and bright ideas for the promotion of science and technology in service of the human being and the society.

Over 3,000 Korean Members are widely distributed over 9 nations in Europe. EKC sets out to provide a place for the discussion on various issues about science and technology. It will offer a unique opportunity for networking between scientists/engineers in Europe and Korea.

EKC contributes to promoting bilateral exchange between governments, institutes, universities and industries in Europe and Korea. It will also set out to encourage mutual understandings between Korea and Europe and to cultivate friendship between the Korean scientists and engineers in Europe and Korea for the future.


EKC 2016

Science, Technology and Humanity: Gateway to the Future


EKC 2015

Scientists and Engineers Working for Better Life


EKC 2014

Science & Technology and Humanity: The role of Science and Technology for good of humanity


EKC 2013

Science and Technology Closer to Humanity: Open Innovation


EKC 2012

Science, Technology and Humanity: the Future


EKC 2008

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